Please note that the content of this page is not official and is published for information.
- Albania (Embassy)
Address: 1, Hekurudha Street, Pristina
Telephone: 038 248 208
Fax: 038 248 209
E-mail: embassy.pristina(at)
- Austria (Embassy)
Address: 22, Ahmet Krasniqi Street, Arberia I, Pristina
Telephone: 038 249 284
Fax: 038 249 285
E-mail: pristina-ob(at)
- Belgium (Diplomatic Representation of the Kingdom of Belgium)
Address: Taslixhe I, 23 a, Pristina
Telephone: 038 518 918
Fax: 038 518 338
E-mail: pristina(at)
- Bulgaria (Embassy)
Address: 12, Ismail Qemajli Street, Dragodan, Pristina
Telephone: 038 245 540
Fax: 038 245 543
E-mail: dbpristina(at)
- China (Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China)
Address: 47, Ismajl Qemali Street, Dragodan, Pristina
Telephone: 038 248 508
Fax: 038 249 126
E-mail: hu_chentao(at)
- Croatia (Embassy)
Address: Fehmi Agani Street, 69/A-1, Pejton, Pristina
Telephone: 038 223 978
Fax: 038 223 979
E-mail: croemb.pristina(at)
- The Czech Republic (Embassy)
Address: Ismail Qemali Str, Dragodan No. 31, Pristina
Telephone: 038 246 676
Fax: 038 248 782
E-mail: pristina(at)
- The European Commission (ECLO)
Address: 1, Kosovo Street, PO Box 331, Pristina
Telephone: 038 51 31 200
Fax: 038 51 31 305
- The European Union (EUSR)
Address: Ahmet Krasniqi Street, Dragodan, Pristina
Telephone: 038 20 44 201
Fax: 038 20 44 210
E-mail: mjellma.rrecaj(at)
- Finland (Embassy)
Address: 19, Perandori Justinian Street, Peyton, Pristina
Telephone: 038 737 000
Fax : 038 732 863
E-mail: diplo(at)| finlopri(at) | sanomat.pri(at)
- France (Embassy)
Address: 67, Ismail Qemali Street, Dragodan, Pristina
Telephone: 038 22 45 88 # 00, 038 22 45 88 # 05
Fax: 038 22 45 88 # 01
E-mail : pristina-amba(at)
- Germany (Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany)
Address: 17, Azem Jashanica Street, Dragodan 2, Pristina
Telephone: 038 254 500
Fax: 038 254 536
E-mail: info(at)
- Greece (Liaison Office of the Hellenic Republic)
Address: 68, Ismail Qemali Street, Dragodan II, Pristina
Telephone: 038 243 013, 038 247 370
Fax: 038 245 533
E-mail: grpristina(at)
- Hungary (Embassy)
Address: 24th May Street, No 23, Dragodan, Pristina
Telephone: 038 247 763
Fax: 038 247 764
E-mail: huoffice.pristina(at), mission.prs(at)
- Italy (Embassy)
Address: 5, Azem Jashanica Street, Dragodan, Pristina
Telephone: 038 244 925
Fax : 038 244 929
E-mail: segreteria.pristina(at)
- Japan Liaison Office (Entrusted by the Government of Japan)
Address: Rexhep Mala Street Nr. 43, Pristina
Telephone: 038 249 995
Fax : 038 245 434
E-mail: jplopr(at)
- Luxembourg (Office of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg)
Address: Metush Krasniqi 14, Dragodan, Pristina
Telephone: 038 226 787
Fax : 038 226 787
E-mail: lux_kosovo(at)
- FYR of Macedonia
Address: 24th May Street, No. 121, Dragodan, Pristina
Telephone: 038 247 462
Fax : 038 247 463
E-mail: macedonialiaison(at)
- Netherlands (Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
Address: Xhemajl Berisha Street, No. 12, Velania, Pristina
Telephone: 038 516 101/2
Fax: 038 516 103
E-mail: pri(at)
- Norway (Royal Norwegian Embassy)
Address: Sejdi Kryeziu Street, Pejton, Pristina
Telephone: 038 232 111 00
Fax: 038 232 111 22
E-mail: emb.pristina(at)
- Romania (Liaison Office)
Address: 25, Azem Jashanica Street, Arberia II, Pristina
Telephone: 038 604 272
Fax: 038 604 273
E-mail: office(at)
- The Russian Federation (Chancery of the Embassy of the Russian Federation)
Address, Eduard Liri Street 20, Dragodan, Pristina
Telephone: 038 247 112
Fax: 038 247 113
E-mail: ruschanemb(at)
- The Slovak Republic (Liaison Office)
Address: Metush Krasniqi Street No. 7, Dragodan, Pristina
Telephone: 038 240 140
Fax : 038 249 499
E-mail: branchemb.pristina(at)
- Slovenia (Embassy)
Address: Anton Qeta Street No. 6, Aktash, Pristina
Telephone: 038 246 255
Fax 038 246 256
E-mail: mpi(at)
- Sweden
Address: Ekrem Rexha Street, No.6, Dragodan, Pristina
Telephone: 038 245 795
Fax: 038 245 791
E-mail: ambassaden.pristina(at)
- Switzerland (Embassy)
Address: Adrian Krasniqi Street, No. 11, 10000 Pristina
Telephone: 038 248 088/089
Fax: 038 248 078
E-mail: vertretung(at)
- Turkey (Embassy)
Address: Ismajl Qemajli Street, No. 59, Arberia, Pristina
Telephone: 038 226 044
Fax: 038 226 031
E-mail: turkemb.prishtina(at)
- The United Kingdom (Embassy)
Address: Ismail Qemajli Street, No.6, Dragodan, Pristina
Telephone: 038 249 559
Fax: 038 249 799
E-mail: britishembassy.pristina(at)
- The United States of America (Embassy)
Address: Nazim Hikmet 30, Dragodan, Pristina
Telephone: 038 5959 3000
Fax: 038 549 890
E-mail: PaPristina(at)