Phase two completed: UNMIK delivers PPE and tablets across Kosovo to combat COVID-19

10 Jul 2020

Phase two completed: UNMIK delivers PPE and tablets across Kosovo to combat COVID-19

UNMIK has completed its second phase of a Kosovo-wide donation campaign, delivering personal protective equipment packages to 33 municipalities totaling: 1381 boxes of gloves (50 pairs in each box) and 2000 boxes of masks (50 in each box), as well as 387 tablet computers.

After an initial two-week donation drive of health and hygiene packages and 3D printers in May, the latest deliveries took place throughout this past week across Kosovo and to the Basic Court of Pristina, with representatives receiving the packages from UNMIK personnel whilst respecting safety measures - as Kosovo continues to battle the global pandemic. 

Due to global shortages and supply chain interruptions, the equipment took longer to arrive in Kosovo than anticipated. However, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMIK Zahir Tanin said persistent efforts to procure the materials paid off and would still reach Kosovo residents at a critical time.

"We are all facing a continued threat from COVID-19 and the best cure is prevention - this personal protective equipment will go to those most at-risk from contracting the virus. Meanwhile, the tablets will provide online learning opportunities for children not able to go to school, minimising the educational disruption introduced by this global catastrophe."

"UNMIK stands with the people of Kosovo," SRSG Tanin added.

The equipment is now with the below listed municipalities for onward distribution to those most in need.

#SupportingTogetherness #StayHome #SaveLives #WearAMask

06 July 2020
65 boxes of masks, 40 boxes of gloves and 40 tablets delivered to Pristina
106 boxes of masks, 78 boxes of gloves Pristina Basic Court
62 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves and 40 tablets delivered to Kamenicë/Kamenica 
40 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves delivered to Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje 
56 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves and 30 tablets delivered to Graçanicë/Gračanica 
56 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves and 30 tablets delivered to Skenderaj/Srbica
56 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves and 22 tablets delivered to Shtime/Štimlje 
50 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves delivered to Novobërdë/Novo Brdo
50 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves delivered to Obiliq/Obilić, Viti/Vitina 
40 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves delivered to Podujevë/Podujevo 
60 boxes of masks, 40 boxes of gloves and 40 tablets delivered to Ferizaj/Uroševac 













07 July 2020 
65 boxes of masks, 40 boxes of gloves delivered to Prizren
60 boxes of masks, 40 boxes of gloves delivered to Gjilan/Gnjilane 
40 boxes of masks, 30 boxes of gloves delivered to Shtërpcë/Štrpce 
40 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves and 25 tablets delivered to Ranillug/Ranilug 
40 boxes of masks, 30 boxes of gloves and 25 tablets delivered to Partesh/Parteš 
40 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves delivered to Kllokot/Klokot
50 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves delivered to Vushtrri/Vučitrn
56 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves and 40 tablets delivered to Lipjan/Lipljan 
40 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves and 25 tablets delivered to Han i Elezit/Ðeneral Janković
62 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves and 40 tablets delivered to Kaçanik/Kačanik
190 boxes of masks, 121 boxes of gloves delivered to  North Mitrovica
130 boxes of masks, 121 boxes of gloves delivered to South Mitrovica
40 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves delivered to Dragash/Dragaš













08 July 2020 
30 boxes of masks, 20 boxes of gloves delivered to Mamuşa/Mamusha/Mamuša
40 boxes of masks, 30 boxes of gloves delivered to Suharekë/Suva Reka
40 boxes of masks, 30 boxes of gloves delivered to Rahovec/Orahovac






09 July 2020
60 boxes of masks, 40 boxes of gloves delivered to Malishevë/Mališevo
60 boxes of masks, 40 boxes of gloves delivered to Gjakovë/Ðakovica
40 boxes of masks, 20 boxes of gloves delivered to Junik
10 July 2020
40 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves delivered to Klinë/Klina
40 boxes of masks, 34 boxes of gloves delivered to Istog/Istok
60 boxes of masks, 40 boxes of gloves delivered to Pejë/Peć
60 boxes of masks, 40 boxes of gloves delivered to Deçan/Dečane