Earlier this month, nearly 60 items, including 2 vehicles, were donated by UNMIK to the municipalities of Lipjan/Lipljan, Ferizaj/Uroševac, Obilic/Obiliq, and Vushtrri/Vucitrn. UNMIK Deputy SRSG Robert Sorenson was on site to meet with municipal leadership and discuss current events.
In Ferizaj/Uroševac, DSRSG Sorenson met with Mayor Agim Aliu and noted the positive cooperation with minority communities and importance of the reintegration of multi-ethnic returnees. "The donation is key in maintaining the cooperative relationship between UNMIK and the municipality," said Ferizaj/Uroševac Mayor Aliu.
Lipjan/Lipljan Mayor Shukri Buja discussed the positive integration among different communities in the municipality with DSRSG Sorenson, and noted how employment is key challenge, not only in the municipality, but also across Kosovo. "While the integration between government institutions is going forward positively, economic integration is key to overcoming existing challenges, such as unemployment and harsh economic situations," said DSRSG Sorenson.
Mr Sorenson was encouraged by Obilic/Obiliq Mayor Mehmet Krasniqi’s statement of the ongoing favourable inter-ethnic relations in the community. “Cooperation with local institutions is important,” said the DSRSG. “We can still help to resolve issues, and contribute to the progress of Kosovo and its people.”

Vushtrri/Vucitrn Mayor Majram Mulaku gave special thanks the UN Mission for their Kosovo-wide contributions. “This is my sixth year in government,” said Mayor Mulaku, ”and I’ve had excellent cooperation with UNMIK in the past.” Mr. Sorenson noted the economic challenges facing the region. “As Kosovo develops, cooperation with government institutions, and participation in economic life of Kosovo is important for all communities,” said DSRSG Sorenson. “I am happy to be here to assist with these donations.”
UNMIK's gender focal points, in collaboration with Kosovo Women's Network, UN Women and UNDP identified 16 women's non-governmental organisations throughout Kosovo to receive donations of used computer equipment from UNMIK. On 1 February, Prizren-based Distrofi Kosova, which assist individuals with muscular dystrophy and helps women with special needs socialize, was one of the recipients. Other recipient organisations in Prizren included FFAK, which helps empower women with disabilities, and Shoqata Te Shurdherve ne Prizren (Association of Deaf People of Prizren).

On 15 February, UNMIK donated two computers, a printer, and other items to the Serbian Orthodox Church in Pristina, as part of its donation campaign to communities. On that occasion, the Orthodox priest, Father Darko Marinković, stressed that sports and cultural activities are also key factors in the integration of children of all ethnicities. During this visit, the Deputy SRSG expressed interest in continuing dialogue with the Church together with other relevant stakeholders.
Focusing on grassroots organisations in the municipalities of Fushe Kosove/Kosovo Polje, Drenas/Gllgovc/Glogovac, and Kline/Klina, UNMIK continued their outreach by donating items on 8 February to LIVCK in Fushe Kosove/Kosovo Polje, which assists conflict victims in terms of medical treatment, Bliri in Drenas/Gllgovc/Glogovac, which offers training opportunities to women in the community to promote self sufficiency, and Kline/Klina-based INDIRA, a EU-funded project that promotes women’s active participation in social and economic life of their communities.
Since 1999, UNMIK has donated close to 4000 items – vehicles, IT equipment, and a variety of other items – worth over €600,000 euros.
For information on the latest donations: